Interior Designers-low maintenance home for a modern family

how you design a low maintenance home for a modern family

Designing makes your life beautiful, doesn’t it? Interior designers in chennai handle a major role in that And for a family who has a high concentration on a budget then this information would be a helping hand. It’s once again a pleasure meeting you all through this platform. Let’s get to today’s topic on how to design a low maintenance home for a modern family and what to ask interior design companies in Chennai

A lot of young people often ask me this question: Does the interior have high maintenance?

Not at all you can have low maintenance, young people after tiring of work want to keep things at home at their best and simple. After all, we need relaxation when we come back home. What is the first thing that we see when you come into your house?

The living room : interior designers

Interior designers in Chennai knows that your living room needs a safe, spacious tv unit. Most people don’t find the usage of the unit, it is not just for your tv, it has additional space to cover up all the things that you don’t want your visitors to see in a messy house. Your setup box, decor, books, and much more.

Next comes your dining table or study table. Why not both?

Now have you heeded that previously? Any interior designers in Chennai would suggest A crockery unit that acts up as a study table when needed. The young couple will be quite impressed by having a high counter for the crockery unit. They can pull up a dining chair and work comfortably from here whenever they need to.

The crockery unit will also be child-friendly since it is of outstanding height. Along with a tall cabinet that acts as a peripheral storage option for random things lying around the home. Great designs right, Bluemoon construction always strives to give you the best designs from the best interior designers in Chennai.

Pooja room simple yet beneficial – Interior Designers

Pooja room cabinets can be designed with a clean look for their pooja corner. Since the major requirement will be storage. So, a young couple can stow away their newspapers in one of the cabinets here and it does not even look like they have it there. Add simple wall ledges to help them display their divinities too.

Kitchen space at its best

The best shape according to the best experts of Bluemoon construction is u- a shaped design so that it gives you maximum space that doesn’t minimise your walkway.

Storage cabinet with a lot of space for utility storage and grocery. Hob that in its place can make you feel comfortable.  Loft that maximises your space for other storage.

The wardrobe fits your budget

Sliding door cabinets are comfier and it utilises most of the space. On top of that to give maximum storage, loft can be added to cabinets. A bed that is child friendly will be a better choice. The dressing table at the corner can adjust with the space. Handles that are easy to handle and open the in-between will give space to make it decorative.

On the whole, these types of designs can give you comfort and in your budget and make it easy for you when it comes to maintenance. Still confused about what to choose, don’t you worry we have the entire experts to make things done just for you. Contact Bluemoon construction company to get maximum benefit. See you all on the next exciting topic.


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